Dreams and Visions

Why should we be surprised at the remarkable providence of God? In answer to our prayers to prepare the hearts of the Balkan Muslims to receive the Gospel message, God has astonished us by using people in five different countries to bring it to pass.

A few weeks ago, a Muslim family in a small Balkan village contacted an Adventist church in another country to ask for someone to come and teach them more about Jesus. It just so happens that the message was forwarded to a pastor and my father who live in a neighboring country. They drove several hours to this village, which providentially is very near to the town where God has called us to live and work.

The Muslim family welcomed my father and his friend with warmth and generous hospitality. After making his guests comfortable, Omar, the man of the house, told the amazing story of how Jesus was drawing his family.

Omar’s brother, Osman, is a devout Muslim who lives in Germany. Several months ago, questions and uncertainties began to fill his thoughts. He turned to a local imam for answers, but the imam brushed him off. Osman turned to the Qur’an, but still didn’t find satisfaction.

One night, Osman had a vivid dream in which he saw Jesus the Messiah. The next morning he was a little shaken, but he dismissed the dream as meaningless. When Jesus reappeared in a dream the following night and again the third night, Osman became frightened. Then he heard a voice speaking his name, telling him to not be afraid and reassuring him that the dreams were from God.

Osman excitedly called his brother Omar in our future field and told him about the dreams and the voice.

To be continued next month.

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