Following Jesus All the Way

“Vut is terrified,” Sopheup confided to the group of believers gathering that Sabbath. Worry tinged her voice. “For three nights, he has dreamed that ancestral ghosts are calling him to come to them! And he’s sick, too.”

Buddhist celebrations had filled the last three days, marking the end of a 15-day period when spirits of the dead—good and bad—are believed to return to their families. Now, numerous ceremonies were being held to send the spirits back to the spirit world.
Vut had been a terrible husband and father—drinking, abusing, gambling and sleeping around. His wife Sopheup had started attending church in the home of Adam and Ruby Clay, just a couple houses away. When Vut found out, he furiously forbade her to ever go again.

One day, while on a construction job, Vut had a terrible accident. A heavy tree branch fell and hit him in the head. He lay unconscious for weeks, and his doctors said there was no chance he would live. The Clays often visited and prayed with the family.
One day, feeling especially moved by the Spirit, they prayed in the powerful name of Jesus that Vut would be raised back to health. Slowly, amazing things began happening. Vut began responding when spoken to. And that was only the beginning! Today, Sopheup and Vut faithfully attend every Sabbath gathering! People used to carry Vut, but now, with two helpers, he insists on walking. The selfless dedication of his wife, despite his ill treatment of her, and the help and care of the Clay and Church families softened his heart and led him to join Sopheup for church. Now, if Vut is sick, and Sopheup tells him to stay home from church, he protests strongly and insists on going anyway.

Vut and Sopheup are on a journey of learning as they emerge from a strong Buddhist background; thus the conversation we had about spirits last Sabbath. “In my heart, I follow Jesus,” Sopheup shared with the group. “But if I get baptized, will I have to stop doing ceremonies for dead ancestors? My parents expect me to do these ceremonies for them when they die.”

Philip explained the Bible teachings on the state of the dead and that we must obey God first, and then our parents. One lady, who had been baptized the Sabbath before, began asking questions. “If the dead don’t know anything, do you really think they are going to eat the rice balls you leave them? Will they know about all the ceremonies you do and the money you spend on them?” As we finished our discussion, the mutual conclusion was that we can’t follow Jesus halfway. He is the only way. Sopheup nodded thoughtfully as we ended with a special prayer for Vut. We gave them a Bible and told them to read a passage together every night along with prayer. Gratitude shone from Sopheup’s eyes as she assured us they would.

Pray for this dear family that they will make a stand for Jesus in baptism. And pray for protection from Satan’s attacks as they learn more about Jesus.

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