Healing Communion

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For many years, Hafoutila worked as a witchdoctor, making demonic charms and spells for his clients, which brought pain and misery to many people. When an ex-girlfriend hired a more powerful witchdoctor to put a spell on him, Hafoutila got a taste of his own medicine. The curse affected his body for the next 14 years.
Hafoutila became one of our first Dendi converts. In 2012, at a communion service, God healed his affliction. His healing is one of many we have witnessed at communion services in our years of mission service.

As Seventh-day Adventists, we believe that Jesus is present during the communion service. As Ellen White said, “It is at these, His own appointments, that Christ meets His people, and energizes them by His presence” (The Desire of Ages, p. 656).

Since Hafoutila’s miraculous healing, we have come to believe that, in addition to traditional emphasis on the Lord’s Supper as a memorial of the crucifixion, we should also remember the blessings we can receive in the presence of our Lord during communion services. Over and over, we have seen that a divine touch is available by faith during each communion service. By faith, anyone can touch our Lord through the holy symbols of the communion service. Such touches by faith can only bring blessings, such as the woman with the issue of blood received when she touched the hem of Christ’s garment (Matt. 9:20-22).

So far this year, our community has experienced two miraculous healings after two communion services, greatly strengthening the faith of our believers. First to be healed was Maman Taca who had a tumor on her throat for which she was awaiting surgery. After prayer at a communion service, her tumor went away, and her doctor confirmed that there was no trace of it.

After hearing Maman Taca’s testimony, Mama Tende prayed at the next communion service for God to heal her breast cancer, a prayer that God promptly answered.

As our prayer partners and supporters, you get to share our joy and praises to God!



Wonderful testimony of almighty power of God! May God bless you abundantly in your ministry!

I wonder whether such prayers can be hold from your place for sick people from other part of the world! There is so much need for similar healing power of God!

God bless you!

By Mac on August 14 2015, 7:48 pm

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