Making History

Ever since the first patient came to me asking for medical help, I had worried I made a commitment long ago to only do what the Tawbuid themselves could do when they take over from me. I hoped this policy would prevent what I had so often seen—mission projects crumbling after the missionary left because the locals wouldn’t or couldn’t take over.

And so I was worried when time passed and no one showed any interest in learning medicine from me. I didn’t have the heart to turn away patients, and God used my medicine to open many doors, so I bided my time, keeping the clinic as simple as possible and hoping that someday a Tawbuid would come to learn from me. Finally that day came.

It began when a Christian doctor showed up on my doorstep. He had heard that I treated patients and asked me to help him do a mobile clinic. He was impressed with my knowledge, and he talked with the tribe about opening a formal clinic under my leadership. I said that I would be willing, but on condition that some Tawbuid would apprentice under me and one day take over from me. The tribal leaders were excited and flattered.

Then, earlier this morning, we made history. A highland elder whom the church has been visiting asked for medicine. However, his people were afraid to let me come into the highlands. So Jenevi, one of my three apprentice health workers, agreed to treat the elder while the other two ran the clinic in Balangabong. She would be the first Tawbuid health worker to conduct a clinic and treat patients on her own. I helped her pick out the medicines she would most likely need, gave her a few final pieces of advice and joyfully prayed over her.

There were tears in my eyes as Jenevi joined the evangelism team and started off toward the mountains. I had waited long and endured much to see this day. But how little I had endured and how briefly I had worked compared to Jesus. “Lord,” I prayed, “thank You for what You have done to bring the Tawbuid into the light of Your life. Glory to Your name!”

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