My Story in Nutshell

Dear Fellow Readers of Rachel’s first ever blog,

Thank you! Whether you’re a donor, friend, family, teacher or acquaintance –thank you for your support. I have been blessed with such an amazing support team. In return, I would like to share with you my experiences as a missionary. As you read my blogs, I hope that you will gain a blessing! And perhaps a smile or two. : )

So here’s my story:

Once upon a time….

There was young girl by the name of Rachel Wilson. She was born and raised in the far, far, far away town of Ocean City, Maryland. She is a half-A-Pino (Half American and Half Filipino). During Rachel’s senior year of high school (March 2011), she fell in love with missions after a high mission trip to Mexico. There she was re-baptized and re-dedicated her life to the Lord. Little did Rachel know the plans God had in store for her. After graduating from Blue Mountain Academy in 2011, she majored in nursing. Her desire was to share Jesus through the ministry of healing. After three years of attending Southern Adventist University, Rachel she graduated in May 2014 with AS degree. Becoming a RN required blood, sweat, tears, and lots & LOTS of prayer (as many of fellow RNs may already know).

Rachel claims “It’s amazing how God works. Passing NCLEX was a miracle! Not that I’m hopelessly incompetent, but that there was a lot of pressure on passing. I had already been accepted by Adventist Frontier Missions to be a missionary nurse in Palawan, Philippines. I had to trust that God could AND would help me become a registered nurse before my trip. I had to walk by faith and not by sight. It’s one of the scariest, most threatening, and vulnerable feelings NOT to trust yourself. My trust had to be in God— completely.” As of June 13, 2014, Rachel is officially a registered nurse. In July, she was able to reach her financial goal to serve in the Philippines after a month of fundraising. After a month in Michigan, Rachel and her Palawan team of missionaries completed training with Adventist Frontier Missionaries.

And she lived happily ever after.
The End.

Actually, this is ONLY the beginning…..

I will be serving as a nurse in the clinic and teacher for three English classes. My life is about to change in an incredible way. This will be a growing, unforgettable experience that will challenge and strengthen my faith. Stay posted for more blogs. I should have internet every month to 3 months, so I will try to update you as soon as I can. The village I will be serving in Palawan is very remote. It’s a 3-5 hour hike and all travel is all on foot within the mountains. There should be some running water and electricity. My team of five missionaries will be living in bamboo huts. We will be staying near our missionary family, Kent and Leonda George.

Departure Date for Palawan: September 11, 2014
(Currently typing this blog at the airport, leaving for Palawan in 10** minutes)

Your prayers are most needed!
Please pray for me as I follow God’s calling this 2014-2015 year as a missionary.

God bless, Rachel Wilson

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