Shared Experience

Giggles and squeals erupt from the living room as I sit peeling potatoes in the kitchen. The Hindi murmuring on the other side of the table continues as one blonde head and one dark one bend over the recipe for chocolate cake. A neighbor has come to the Singh’s home to learn to bake a cake from this recipe. The ladies will make two cakes; one for the Indian family, and one for the American family.

Meanwhile, two children play in the living room, running up and down the cushions and giggling together. Then singing begins as little Joy teaches her friend Christian songs. “Sing Hosanna, sing hosanna . . .” Soon the little girls turn to playing with blocks.

Just two children playing together; just two women baking a cake; but ever so much more is happening. A Hindu mother and her child are learning about how Christians live. They are building relationships that will continue to grow and someday, we pray, culminate in a deep love for the true God of the universe. Missionary children and adults work together in the field with the Lord of the Harvest. Lord, please send more workers like these. There are so many people here who need to know the freedom that comes from serving You.

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