
“Let’s go into Port Moresby today and price out solar panels and batteries,” Orion suggested as we ate breakfast.

We began our search at three hardware stores. At each, Orion asked about solar panels and batteries. One store had a few small-capacity panels and batteries.

Following directions to a different shop, we pulled up by a row of businesses, but none of them sold solar panels or batteries.

Orion leaned out the window and called to a man wearing a florescent orange work vest, “Do you know where we can find Solar Solutions?”

“It’s a long way in that direction,” the man said, pointing. Then he added, “Would you like me to come with you and direct you? Let me go inside this shop and pick up a quote, then I will show you.”

When the man returned and got into our car, we introduced ourselves and learned that his name was Siru, and he was an electrician. Solar Solutions was across town near his place of work.

As Siru guided us through the Port Moresby traffic, he was excited to learn that we are missionaries. “I am a Christian, too!” he exclaimed, fully convinced that this meeting was from God for the benefit of us both.

As we bumped along, I said, “This morning, I prayed that God would help us find what we needed today.”

Siru immediately replied, “I am connected to the same Spirit. That is why He directed you to me.”

When we arrived at Solar Solutions, instead of hurrying off to work, Siru went in with Orion. This store had some panels, but the only batteries they carried required a lot of maintenance. Siru suggested another place that sold parts for solar-powered stand-alone street lights. We went there but still didn’t find what we needed. “I know of another place,” said Siru, and this store turned out to have what we were looking for.

What a blessing to meet this Christian man whom God placed in our path to help and encourage us!

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