Ten Days of Prayer

During our last annual 10 days of prayer, the members of the Tanguieta church in Benin gathered together each day to sing and pray for the subjects and names written upon the piece of paper they received. We prayed for these subjects and names each of the 10 days. Along with regular daily meetings, the Tanguieta church also conducted an all-night meeting, complete with singing, praying, Bible reading and teaching.

Throughout the night, the members continued praying as the Spirit of God worked upon lives. Then, one of the members who still had connections with Satan was overwhelmed by the power of God. She collapsed onto the floor, and the leaders started praying more fervently and with greater power from the Holy Spirit. They rebuked Satan and told him and the demons still trying to possess her and control her life to depart and sever all ties with her.

God was gracious. He delivered her, freeing her from all the demons enticing her, manipulating her and leading her to destruction. God proved Himself King of kings and God above all. Please continue to pray for our ministry, God’s children and the people He still yearns to deliver.

Please also pray for Fidel and me as we are currently on furlough. I am speaking at churches every weekend, sometimes twice. It is great to revisit our supporters and meet other members of God’s family. Reconnecting with many of you who have been a vital support of the Pendjari Project is important to us. If the Lord has impressed you to join our support team, you may give using the envelope in the center of this magazine, online at https://afmonline.org/missionaries/detail/78, or by phone to AFM. Thank you for your faithful support through prayers and financial contributions throughout the years.

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