The Challenge

“You’re practicing abominations!” the lowlander cried. “If you don’t become Adventists right now, you will burn!” As the visitor walked slowly through the village, people fled before him, some jumping through windows to escape his “evangelistic” tirade.

Arriving at our Tawbuid missionary’s house, he found church underway. “You don’t know how to be Adventists,” he challenged after observing briefly. “You don’t sing the right songs or follow the correct order of service. But fear not. We lowlander Adventists will teach you. We will also build you a big church, give you nice houses and feed you for free!”

The members were in a quandary. His criticisms stung, and he had trampled all over their efforts to evangelize their neighbors. But they also were drawn to his promises of unfathomable wealth. How could they resist?

The bewildered church called a meeting to decide whom they would follow. After some debate, the eldest member stood up. “Look,” he said. “If we follow the lowlanders, we will get lots of free things. But where will we be when they tire of us? We will lose our culture, and our witness to our neighbors will be ruined. If we stick with John, he will not give us much. He will teach us to build our own church by our own sweat. Rather than passing out free food, he will help us start small businesses. Everything he will give us will come with learning. His ways are also the Tawbuid ways and will not offend our brothers. The decision is clear. We choose to follow Christ in John’s way.”

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