Visible Blessings

Image for Visible Blessings

“Forget there’s a camera. Talk to me like we’re having a conversation, just the two of us,” Alex told me. “It’s normal to be nervous, but don’t worry about it. I’ll ask you questions, and you just answer them.”

As I write this, we are in the middle of two intensive weeks of filming. AFM student missionary videographer, Alex Swensen, is documenting the work God has been doing among the Otammari people for the past several years.

As we geared up for this video shoot, we all became aware of the enemy trying to discourage us. Our whole family got sick, and Alex had a hard time sleeping at night. Our whole team made the video project a special focus of prayer. The day Alex filmed our interview, I got burned while cooking, and Reuben got stung by a bee for the first time since we moved here two years ago.

I understand why the devil is unhappy. For me personally, this video project has already been a huge blessing. In order to prepare the stories for the film, we got to hear many people’s testimonies of what God is doing in their lives. Soon you will have a chance to share in this blessing, too, when AFM releases the new Otammari documentary!

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