Working Together

In the process of starting a school, we have tried to involve the local church members as much as possible. It has been a growing experience getting to know them all.
One Sunday, we had a work bee for the school. It was a new thing for the church members to come and help without getting anything in return. However, we were excited to have almost every family represented as they helped pour a cement slab and paint. They are all supportive of the school now, and we are all looking forward to the opening day, September 29.


Dear Mrs. Greenfield,
I’m an American Christian aid worker living in cambodia. I visited your school in Mondulkiri in May earlier this year.  I would like to get involved there, and I have some interesting stories to tell about how our paths almost crossed on several occasions.  The best way to contact me is Facebook, where my name is Firebugpenalty (Mark).  I hope you will get in touch soon.

By Firebugpenaltysn on December 18 2016, 10:22 am

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