Cameron Rogers
President & Chair
Cameron Rogers has served as Board Chair since 2021 and President for AFMS since 2025. He is a real estate developer, entrepreneur and founder of the Rogers Management Group. A long-time enthusiastic supporter of church planting globally, Cameron is a leader in planting the Sardis SDA Church in British Columbia.
Lana Kapiniak
Lana Kapiniak serves as the Secretary-Treasurer for AFMS. With an MBA degree and a Master’s in Church Administration, Lana administers all the financial and legal matters related to AFMS. The Secretary-Treasurer works closely with the President & Chair of AFMS and reports to the AFMS Board of Directors. You may reach Lana at AFMStreasurer@gmail.com.
Barry Bussey
Barry W. Bussey practices law with Bussey Ainsworth in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada and is the President and CEO of First Freedoms Foundation (Canada). He has been involved with charity and religious freedom issues for over 33 years. He has argued religious freedom cases at all levels of court in Canada from tribunals to the Supreme Court of Canada.
Curtis Letniak
Curtis Letniak resides in Central Alberta and is actively involved in business and ministry in countries around the world. Curtis is passionate about developing creativity and innovation in business, but more importantly, in using these attributes to impact others for eternity. He is profoundly grateful to God for his wife, Julie, and two adult children, Jonathan and Kaitlyn.
D’Arcy Simanton
D’Arcy Simanton has served on the AFMS Board since 2019 and previously served as an AFM missionary in Southeast Asia from 2006 – 2017. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant with interests including Excel integration and efficiency, hiking, water skiing and riding his bike on mountain trails.