The AFM Training Department exists to serve and support your discipleship journey. Our special focus is preparing cross-cultural disciple-making multipliers. In other words, we train missionaries to make disciples who will continue the work long after the missionary leaves, thus multiplying the growth of the church exponentially.
Start the discipleship journey with us. Let’s walk the road together.
Get to Know the AFM Trainers
Meet the AFM training team, men and women who have spent years serving in the field, making mistakes, learning from most of them—determined to prepare the next generation of missionaries for effective frontline ministry.
What is Our Training Philosophy?
AFM specializes in sending missionaries to some of the most difficult peoples to reach in some of the remotest places on the planet. Why? It’s our commission (Matthew 28) from God. Every nation. Every tribe. Every language. Every people group. Most of our resources and missions within the church go to places where the gospel has already been preached. Only a fraction go to the unreached – those with no access to the gospel whatsoever. And since Jesus won’t come until the Gospel goes “into all the world,” we believe that sending cross-cultural missionaries plays a crucial role in fulfilling our commission. Take a closer look.
Course Descriptions
View the course description list
To request more in-depth information on the courses that make up the core curriculum of our career and short-term missionary training, send in this Curriculum Request Form.
Calendar of Events
Finally, we thought you might like to take a peek at the dates that form the anchor points around our work. View dates and locations on AFM’s Training Calendar of Events.