Field Stories
Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.
Meet Cherry
Please pray that God would continue to guide and bless them as they seek to minister to the hurting and wounded people of this city.
Kyle Tumberg
February 1st, 2020
Christmas in the Jungle
As the children arrived for school and began singing praises to God, their voices drowned out the drumming.
Seth Miller
February 1st, 2020
Gifts from God
Maybe you, dear friends, have been our actual training. Through your love, you taught us how we can be gifts of God here where the European and Asian worlds meet, in the land of hospitality, traffic chaos and boisterous music. Please pray that we can rise to the challenge!
Anne Troy
February 1st, 2020
I Am With You —Part II
From that day onward, Fatima told every visitor about how Jesus had shown Himself to her and spoken to her.
Brenda Mays
February 1st, 2020
Kakounsi Island
“Your arrival will reignite the Christian flame that was extinguished. In all ways, we are very happy and open to your message.”
Fred Coker
January 1st, 2020
One Memorable Day
Life here in the PNG bush is often slow and peaceful, but it is also uncertain and full of challenges.
Orion Lawrence
January 1st, 2020
The Coconut Incident
What kind of lessons do young, impressionable minds learn from being pummeled? They certainly don’t learn love, kindness, mercy or self-control.
Stephen Erickson
January 1st, 2020
Chumpri’s Miracle
Many of the symptoms were similar to those he’d had with the hepatitis. I began to wonder if the results of the test had been accurate.
Cara Greenfield
January 1st, 2020