Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for Beast of Burden

Beast of Burden

We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to work on our former guard’s heart, drawing him to the Savior.

George Tooray
May 1st, 2018

Image for Choices


Will Jesus come next month? Or will this woman die tonight, her decision sealed forever by her indecision? I pray that she will choose life before it is too late.

John Holbrook
May 1st, 2018

Image for He Knows Best

He Knows Best

God led my wayward heart and brought me to where I could bring words of comfort to a hurting soul. He always knows what is best.

Leonda George
May 1st, 2018

Image for Too Many Funerals

Too Many Funerals

Each time I attend a Pnong funeral, I feel a small bit of that burden on my heart—the burden for lost humanity.

Daniel Greenfield
May 1st, 2018

Image for Srey Neung

Srey Neung

Satan doesn’t appreciate Srey Neung’s initiative and enthusiasm.

Molly Timmins
May 1st, 2018

Image for The Miracle of Raat

The Miracle of Raat

Please join me in praying that Raat will continue to allow God’s miraculous power to work in His life.

Kyle Tumberg
May 1st, 2018

Image for From Shadow to Light

From Shadow to Light

No one seemed to notice the heat as the first two people entered the water.

Diane Hooker
May 1st, 2018

Image for Overload


Do you feel overloaded? Are your days filled with too many tasks, and your heart weighed down with concern for others? Just think of an overloaded motorbike in Cambodia and give it all to God. He is able to carry your burdens.

Diane Hooker
April 1st, 2018

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