Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for Tabaski


Please pray for our Muslim Malinke brothers and sisters, that they will come to know Jesus as the Lamb of God who came to restore the lost kingdom.

George Tooray
November 1st, 2017

Image for But a Short Time

But a Short Time

We praise God that, over and above it all, He is still watching over his children, protecting them and strengthening them to serve Him as His work draws ever nearer to its close!

Christopher Sorensen
November 1st, 2017

Image for Just Another Day in the Mission Field

Just Another Day in the Mission Field

Sometimes a section of road seemed impassible, but either God would provide another route, or it was as if we had angels pushing on the back of our truck to keep us moving closer to the sick child.

Daniel Greenfield
November 1st, 2017

Image for What It’s Like

What It’s Like

To paint a picture for you of what life is like here in the mountains of Palawan, I will share a few things I do here that I didn’t do before I came to the Philippines.

Leonda George
November 1st, 2017

Image for To Feed and Be Fed

To Feed and Be Fed

The Gogodala seem to be hungrier for God’s word than ever before.

Laurie Erickson
November 1st, 2017

Image for Here I Am. Send Me.

Here I Am. Send Me.

Don’t let anything hold you back from reaching the unreached millions of this world.

Pauline Allcock
November 1st, 2017

Image for Something Had to Die

Something Had to Die

Just as this tree had to die for the good of everyone living inside the gates of the Mission, so Jesus died for everyone living in this world.

Arnold Hooker
October 1st, 2017

Image for The Election

The Election

We know that we are struggling against the powers of darkness, but we serve a mighty God who can turn this curse into a blessing.

David Hicks
October 1st, 2017

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