A Bear or a Cougar?

The property on which we are staying has a bear. Or the bear has the property. He was probably there first. At any rate, there’s a bear there. It’s nice having a bear around. I think. At least it’s nice to know that not all wild animals are extinct. I haven’t personally seen the bear, but people I know have. But while it’s nice to know that the place where we are residing is still natural, it’s also inconvenient at times, tense really, a trifle scary to think about. Last year, during the summertime, the bear made regular forays into our part of the forest. He actually walked calmly down the road on one occasion…and growled at a friend who was walking toward him on another. (Another story for another time.) We had to have our children inside before 7 every evening because that’s when he came out. No evenings enjoying the cool mountains after a hot day for us. We have a cougar too. All the markings of a large cat are on the property; fresh markings. It’s a part of our life now. Lots of things like this are part of life for a lot of people. It’s been a hard twelve months for so many. I personally have had a hard 12 months for things not directly related to COVID. Have you had a hard 12 months? Do you have a “bear” in your life that’s come to stay? Or maybe you have a cougar? They’re sneaky things. Bears are big but at least you know just about where they are. On the other hand, with cougars, you never know if or when they’re going to strike. They pounce on you when you’re vulnerable and you wonder if you’re going to survive. Our family wants to pray for you specifically. Some of you have returned your “Getting To Know You Sheets”. That’s been so helpful to know how to pray. I’m going to be sending out an email very soon asking for your prayer requests and updates. Please let me know how we can pray. We’re a team now and we want to do our part to support our team members. Let’s stay in touch.

God bless you as you work for Him!