Is it a Dream, or is it Real?

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I was desperate! I had tried again and again, and I just couldn’t get there. It was all going to happen without me, and I felt so empty and disappointed. Then I awoke in a panic.

In my all-too-vivid dream this morning, I was held back by circumstances I had no control over, sadly letting my family down as I missed a very important occasion.

Now awake, I lay on my bed reflecting on the times in my life when I really had missed out on something important to me, like when I needed to catch an airplane, but was stuck in traffic and missed my flight. Or, more importantly, missing the wedding of friends I had so much looked forward to because I was busy attending to other matters and forgot. I well remember the sick feeling of disappointment when I realized the wedding had passed.

Has this ever happened to you?

We have come to Asia on a mission. We have many responsibilities, and we travel quite a bit. But the many relationships we have built need to be nurtured for Jesus. There is planning for growth and expansion of the work in these regions where millions of unreached people live and die and never have an opportunity to learn of the saving blood of Jesus.
Yes, Jesus Christ is soon to appear in the clouds of heaven. We all agree that time in this world is drawing to a close. Is the Holy Spirit stirring in your heart as He is in mine? Are there distractions robbing me of the passion my heart has felt in the past for these vast numbers of God’s children still unaware of the urgency of the day in which we live?

My dream this morning has made me pause and realize that the most significant event in the history of our planet is just upon us, and I could be allowing distractions and life’s busyness to cause me to miss the mark. Each day is a precious treasure of time granted to us for kingdom purposes by our loving Father. Please join me in reaffirming and refocusing our hearts on the Holy Spirit’s directions.

“Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matthew 24:44 NKJV).