Khun Sun’s Fire

Image for Khun Sun’s Fire

To hear how God is working is always exciting and encouraging. A couple of months ago, the Khon Kaen SDA church went to our friend Khun Sun’s village to conduct a health expo and share God’s love. Khun Sun had been praying for this village for three years. A couple of months ago, she asked the church to hold a health expo to reach the people in her village so they would see God at work.

Years ago, Christians from another denomination tried to come into the village but were shunned. Khun Sun’s husband is like a great-grandson to the village founder, so he is extremely connected to almost everyone in the village.

The health expo proved to be a huge blessing. Ladies from the Khon Kaen SDA church held a class on how to make detergent soap. The ladies from the village wholeheartedly joined in. A professor from Asia-Pacific International University (the Adventist university in Thailand) came and shared God’s message. Villagers were thrilled with the hope that we could all meet in heaven again.

Khun Sun has shared how her neighbors and aunties like to come over for prayer at her house when they are sick or in distress. One neighbor is going through a lot of difficulty in her marriage and has shared how her emotional pain is so great that she has become a cutter. She gets abused by her husband, whom she wants to be loved by so much.

“Going to the temple has not helped me at all,” she told Khun Sun. “The monk just sprinkles me with water containing chili, vinegar and ginger. I do not want to go there anymore. I feel better when I talk with you, and we pray together.”

This last Thursday, Khun Sun’s auntie called her and told her that she wanted to become a “child of God.” Her auntie is ready to study the Bible. We prayed for her to attend this Sabbath’s house worship so she could start learning from the Bible how much God loves her and be trained to be a disciple.

Our goal for her and everyone with whom we study is for them to learn to read the Bible for themselves and be taught to become disciples from the beginning. We want to teach them that, with the little they know, they can teach others and encourage them. Every time they learn, they need to go out and share.

Please continue to pray for this village. We know that God is doing a mighty work in people’s hearts for the honor and glory of His name.