My Friend Namon

Image for My Friend Namon

I was at the park one day when a girl came by.

“Hi. What’s your name?” she asked.

“I’m Ali. What’s your name?” I replied.

“I’m Namon. How old are you?” she followed up.

“Six,” I said. “How old are you?”

“I’m six, too,” Namon said.

We began to play with some of the boys in our village, making train tracks with the stuff we found around the broken pool.

Then Namon’s grandpa asked my mommy if Namon could learn English with us. My mommy told him that my daddy was starting an English class at our house and that we would love it if Namon would come. Soon, she and her brother Kone came to the English class. Before the English classes began, I picked out a Bible story to read, and my daddy printed a coloring picture to go along with it. Namon and I like to color.

The first day Namon came to class, we played with my toy kitchen. Then her grandma came and talked with my parents while Namon and I played with chalk; then she needed to go home. Please pray that my friends and their families will get to know Jesus.