Pnong Baptisms

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One of the highest days ever on the Pnong Project recently took place. Four of our friends gave their lives to Christ through baptism. The baptism took place the same weekend as the school dedication, and all the dedication attendees were there to see it. The church was packed with people. There were several pieces of special music, and a man shared a very touching testimony. Earlier that week, he had been driving his car while intoxicated and had an accident. No one was injured, but his car and the one he had hit were significantly damaged. The incident really shook him up. He shared how God was working on his heart and convicting him never to touch a drop of alcohol again. The smile on his wife’s face showed how relieved she was that her husband was giving up his destructive habit.

After the church service, everyone piled onto or into various forms of transportation and drove to a nearby waterfall. The rainy season was just ending, and there was plenty of water flowing over the falls.

Pastor Greg Timmins went over the baptismal vows with the candidates. Then Pastor Marc Coleman stepped into the chilly pool at the bottom of the waterfall and proceeded to baptize each of our friends. A lot of work led up to this wonderful occasion. This is just the beginning of something truly amazing!

Mat Ceort and her sister-in-law Dang were baptized along with Mat/Mbut Dahveed. As they were being baptized, a group of tourists showed up at the top of the waterfall and were able to watch. What an amazing thing to witness!

After the baptism, everyone gathered in a grassy area near the top of the waterfall for an evening worship service. We meditated quietly on how we saw God in the area around us and then shared with the group. It was beautiful to hear the testimonies of how God was revealing Himself to each person there.

Thank you to each one of you who have lifted up the Pnong Project throughout the years. Many of you have been a blessing to the work through gifts of time, finances, prayers and many other ways. Thank you so much! May God receive the glory for the progress of the work here. He is the driving force behind every advance we make into enemy territory. We each have a role to play in this end-time movement. Let’s remain faithful until Jesus returns.