I have questions such as:
- Can my friend come with me?
- What would I be doing on a day to day basis?
- How much will it cost me to go?
- I don’t know how to be a missionary. Is there training?
- How can I get my school loan deferred for the year?
We are more than happy to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to e-mail us at rassistant@afmonline.org
Types of Mission Service
Slashing through the jungles to bring malarial medications to a sick villager; wrestling with how to present the Gospel clearly through a multimedia presentation; sharing the hope of eternal life with a group of people who have only known fear; teaching and ministering to children … We have different types of mission calls to match different God-given gifts and visions. Whether God is calling you to commit 10 years of your life to mission service, one year, or a few months, please select one of the options below and step forward in faith.

Career Missions
Families or singles generally up to age 35 (some exceptions made). Committing 6-10 years to church planting among an unreached people group.
God is calling you to go to an unreached people group, learn their heart language, gather insights from their culture, and share the love of Christ in ways that are clear, winsome, and understandable. You will develop Bible studies and ministry materials that will reach and disciple your people. As local believers unite with you in worshipping the Savior, you will train and mentor leaders, bringing them to a point at which the newly established church functions independently of the missionaries and has branched out to plant other churches. This process will take several years to accomplish, but you have committed your life to following the Lamb and serving His children. You are committed to a career in mission service. We will guide you, the new missionaries-in-training, towards building a strong team who will support you with funds, prayer and encouragement. Check out our career opportunities!

Student Missions
Those who have been full-time students within the last 12 months. Must be at least a sophomore in college or 19 years old. Committing to 9-11 months of service at an established project.
You are a college student and realize that the best part of your education will be to serve on the frontiers and introduce others to Jesus. Typical ministry opportunities include outreach/evangelism activities, basic medical work, homeschooling of missionary children, agricultural or other development activities, teaching, mechanical and construction work, and many other opportunities.
Our student missionaries are typically between 19 and 27 years of age. To qualify as a student missionary, you must have been enrolled in school full-time for a full term within the last 12 months. Each call lasts between nine months and two years. All student missionaries are responsible to raise a portion of the required funds. See our student missions opportunities.

Short-Term Missions
Singles or couples without children, ages 19-35. Committing one year or more to helping at an established project.
You have completed your education, and now you sense the Holy Spirit sending you to the unreached to reveal the Gospel through your life. Similar to student missions, there are a variety of ministry service opportunities available to short-term missionaries, and many include additional responsibilities for more mature individuals.
Our short-term missionaries are usually between 19 and 35 years of age, but many of these calls may also be appropriate for those who are older and are looking for a way to serve Christ and His children. Each call utilizes different skills and lasts between nine months and two years. Short-term missionaries are responsible for raising their own funds. Browse opportunities for short-term mission service.

Tentmaker Missions
You are a skilled teacher or professional who would like to use your talents to expand the kingdom of God. Tentmakers are dedicated, spiritually mature Christians who, in light of the Great Commission, view their vocation as an opportunity to reach unreached people. Employment is a vital aspect of Christian witness because it provides substantial means to develop relationships, credibility and contexts for ministry. A Tentmaker can be employed within a company, teach in an educational institution, work in government, or own or run a business.
Tentmaking is an exciting area for missions because it opens up opportunities to reach seemingly inaccessible people in new ways with the Gospel. Tentmaking can be very powerful in mission fields where traditional types of ministry are ineffective or prohibited.
Learn more about Tentmaker missions or to join the tentmaker community by visiting our GoTential website at www.gotential.org.

Platinum Missions
Couples who no longer have dependants to raise and are financially free to spend 1 years overseas. Must be in good health. Committing to at least one year at certain projects where your maturity and skills would be useful despite the language barrier.
If you are a healthy, mature Adventist who loves Jesus Christ and envision yourself serving in a tropical environment, please prayerfully consider becoming an AFM platinum missionary. Learn more about platinum mission opportunities.