Be a World Changer
Change Your World — Start with Your Own Community!
World Changers aren’t grown overnight. A mission trip won’t suddenly create one either, though the experience will certainly open your eyes to needs of the unreached. Becoming a world changer begins with the choices we make early in life. It begins with the small things we do. Remember the parable of the faithful servant? He was rewarded with a great amount of responsibility only after he showed he was faithful in the lesser duties.
His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” Matthew 25:23 (NIV)
So look around your neighborhood and start developing service habits that will change your community first. Then, using those skills and passion, you will make a successful missionary and become a world changer for God. After all, it will simply be a natural habit.
Here are a few ideas to get you started in developing your talents and passions to change the world.
- Visit someone who is sick. Bring some food, a flower or a card for cheer, or stick around and wash their dishes.
- Clean your environment. Taking care of the world is our responsibility. Get a group together and clean a park, adopt a highway, or whitewash graffiti off a building.
- Invite your neighbors over for dinner. Yes, especially the ones who rarely even say hello. Making new friends in the neighborhood is an essential part of “friendship evangelism.”
- Visit the elderly. Go to a nursing home or visit someone who doesn’t get out of the house. Bring a hymnal. Bring an instrument. Bring a story to read to them. Just go!
- Assist your local food bank. You can help prepare meals, organize donations, or assist in some other way. Or conduct a food drive. Feeding the hungry is another way that God gets to “know” us. Check out Matthew 25:31-46.
- Help out with your community center. Remember, if you do it for the least of these, you are doing it for Jesus.
- Take a short-term mission trip. Build a church. Share the Gospel. Teach the children Bible stories. Open your mind to the vast need of the unreached peoples.
- Do a summer of maga-book sales or student colportering.
- Start a neighborhood Christian club. Make invitations and hang them on the doorknobs. Plan some activities (you might even choose several mentioned above). And don’t be afraid of teaching them a song or reading from the Bible. Get a sponsor who can be the responsible adult. Two or three of your friends can assist you.
Well, here’s where you add your own ideas. This was only to get you thinking.
Remember, you’re never too young or too small to begin changing the world!