Church Planter, Tibetans of India

Flags with mountain in background

The Call

AS/IT-01 Church Planter – Workers needed: One expatriate family to plant the church and to supervise, train, and encourage national workers in other areas where there are high concentrations of refugees.

The People

Tibetans have a long history of antipathy towards the Gospel; however, they are very welcoming towards Westerners, who have supplied them with funds since their flight into exile. Their predominant religion is Tibetan (tantric) Buddhism/Lamaism, which involves much demonic bondage, spirit appeasement, and occultism. It is estimated that there are over 100,000 Tibetans in India today, led by the Dalai Lama who is their spiritual leader.

The Project

The family will reside in Dharmasala with the purpose of planting the seeds for an SDA church. Missionaries will need to learn both the Hindi and Tibetan languages and work as an NGO employee, a student, an ESL teacher, or in some other function acceptable to the Indian government and Tibetan people. To learn more, view the project page for Tibetans

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