Bassac Agro IT

Support the Bassac project with an agro-industry.

h4. Proposal

The Bassac of Cambodia have used traditional farming techniques for many generations. But, with new access to chemical pesticides (some that are dangerous), and a lack of good training, these new tools are creating health and environmental problems. Rather than carefully measured and applied, these chemicals are used in excess. What if we could provide technology to help the Bassac farmers find other ways to deal with pests?

Using artificial intelligence algorithms using Google’s AutoML Vision platform, we are working to build mobile apps that can do just that. Using a cheap smartphone, they can take a picture, and instantly be given advice on what problems they are having, and how to effectively manage the problem. Combined with the use of Integrated Pest Managements practices, we can encourage farmers to grow organically, both reducing costs, and protecting the crops. With these funds, we plan to purchase the needed equipment and services to make this idea a reality, while at the same time, building connections with Bassac farmers, and sharing the gospel with them as we help minister to their needs.

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