Be Inspired!

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Inspiration can come in many forms and motivate one to create a piece of artwork or become physically fit or quit a job or pause one’s education, pack belongings, leave family and move across the globe.

Why do something so radical? In short, to share the love of Jesus with the world’s unreached. This year, AFM welcomes 10 inspired student and short-term missionaries who will use their skills as nurses, teachers, video animators and mechanics to share the everlasting gospel with the unreached.
So what inspired them to become missionaries?

Jeffrey Cheung (Thailand) — “I was at a place in my life where I had started praying for God to help me fully surrender my will. I decided to do missionary work among the unreached because, quite simply, God impressed it upon me, and I wanted to obey.”

Judah Densmore (Philippines) — “I am able to make the difference of eternity for people rather than trying to gain earthly riches.”

Joleen Riley* (Central Africa) — “I am inspired with passion and bravery by gospel pioneers who took God literally, willing to sacrifice everything to save another. Missions still prove that there’s a need for the same desire and willingness to step up and accept this call of honor. Then I said, ‘Here am I! Send me’” (Isaiah 6:8).
Amarina Talia* (Central Africa) — “The love of Christ inspired me to become a missionary. The fact that Christ left heaven, which is beyond beautiful, and He came to this darkened world to save us, inspires me to respond to His call, ‘Go ye all into all the world and make disciples.’”

Markus Sinclair* (Central Asia) — “There is a prayer I prayed when I was younger. I held my Bible, and I repeated Isaiah’s words to God, ‘Here am I! Send me.’ I am inspired most by Isaiah’s willingness to serve God before he fully knew the task. This is what inspires me to serve today.”

Natalia Gray* (Central Asia) — “Jesus commanded us to take the gospel to the whole world. The West has heard it plenty of times; other parts of the world have never heard it. This is what inspires me to go as a missionary.”

John Clark* (SE Asia) — “I’m going overseas because my mom texted me a picture of the AFM magazine, told me I should look into it, and I was impressed to do so.”
Arthur Schofield (Philippines) — “I want to see the light in people’s eyes when they accept Jesus.”

Jeremy Stepien (Philippines) — “Love for Jesus and my fellow man. I see people everywhere being lied to and left in the dark, and I want them to be a part of our heavenly family someday.”

Dylan Smith* (SE Asia) — “What inspired me to be a missionary is the fact that so many people still need Christ in their life, and we are the only ones capable of taking it to them. They might not have access to things like YouTube or other people, so we might be the only people to shine the light in the darkness.”

We are also grateful to our short-term missionaries from AFM Europe who are dedicating a year or more to reach the unreached. So what inspired them?
Hanna Falk (Philippines) — “I feel I have a strong purpose in life in sharing God’s love.”

Adina Comorasu (Philippines) — “I felt the calling to become a missionary doctor, share the good news, and be God’s hands, feet and voice to those who have never felt His love and mercy or heard the name of Jesus.”

Lydia Kipper (Cambodia) — “God showed me what really matters in the life He has given me and that the best way to use my life, talents and blessings is to serve others and share the good news about Jesus with them.”

Christoph Knauseder (Cambodia) — “God showed me His love in a wonderful way, and I no longer want to set money or wealth as a goal but to share God’s love with people.”
Emma Kingsley (SE Asia) – “I had experienced the goodness and mercy of God, and since then, God has burdened my heart to share the gospel with the world and to spread the news of Jesus’ imminent return.”

Victoria Koch (North Africa) — “I am determined to share what God has done for me. Honestly, how could I dare to keep silent? Everyone has the right to hear about God’s amazing grace and power to save.”

Débora Soares & Vinicius Rodrigues (Philippines) — “We have always felt a deep desire to dedicate our time and efforts to helping those in need. We believe it is our purpose to serve others, and through service, we can share God’s love with those who have never experienced it before.”

Additionally, several student missionaries extend their service and stay in the field for another term. These include Silvan Dörnbrack (Cambodia), Alexia Rains (Cambodia), Kayla Collins* (Central Asia) and Vernal Roseval (Sierra Leone). Praise God for their continued desire to serve Him and finish His work so we can all go home soon. What an inspiration they are! Thank you for your prayers and continued support for our missionaries. We pray that you, too, would be inspired to be a missionary and share Christ’s love wherever He may take you.
*Pen name