Editorial: June 2023

Image for Editorial: June 2023

It has been well over forty years since I first heard the song “My Favorite Things” from the movie The Sound of Music. It is a catchy tune. While I never memorized all those favorite things the children sang about, I remember enough and supply my own favorites.

For the Kid’s Flip side of this issue, we asked our young missionaries to tell us more about some of their favorite things out in the field —local games, foods, hobbies and ways of spending the Sabbath. Bakery items sure seem to be a popular favorite. Naturally, furry animals, birds, fish and, ahem, even a hedgehog find their place in the family.

But I believe my favorite things from the Kid’s Flip articles are the lessons learned and the character developed by some of our youngest missionaries.

Gladys Sharma broke her leg. Favorite thing? No! But seeing how God used the situation for His glory just may rank up there amongst them now (Kid’s page 11).

Elsa Aydin was feeling sad as her birthday approached, but her faith grew as she witnessed God perform a miracle on that very special day, and then she did not feel so bad(see Kid’s page 18).

Joseph Aydin disobeyed his parents and created the problem they warned him about. Ooh, so worse than a bee sting or a dog bite. He turned to God (Kid’s page 14). And John Murphy was having bad days at school, so his mom told him to seek Jesus for help (Kid’s page 4). Prayer made a difference in both of these stories.

Patricia Coker and her Sabbath School class overcame challenges and fears, now they are growing and thriving in these most wonderful years (page 12 of the Kid’s section).

All of these articles tied with heartstrings, these are a few of my favorite things.