Editorial: March 2024

Image for Editorial: March 2024

“He’s alive!” A testimony of faith and an invitation to life. Hope for the future. Strength for today. Healing for the past.

“He’s alive!” Angels said it. Women heard it. Jesus proved it. Women proclaimed it. Disciples investigated it. Jesus proved it . . . again. Apostles and the commissioned preached it. Many believed it. (Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20, and Acts through Revelation).

These powerful words testify that Jesus Christ now lives in the converted heart, with faith in Jesus providing the power to think, choose and live (Galatians 2:20, Ephesians 6:16, Hebrews 11:8, 1 John 5:4). To the hearer, these words are a promise of life — forgiveness and hope — fulfilled when believed.

We are counseled in The Ministry of Healing (p. 143) that we should follow our Master (Holbrook p. 24). Mingle with sinners and build friendships (Lawrence p. 18). Desire their good (Murphy p. 17). Show sympathy (George p. 21). Minister to needs (Mays p. 42). Win confidence (Bridger p. 44). Model Christian living (Nassar p. 37, Erickson p. 16, River p. 11). Teach about Jesus and His word (Sharma p. 29). Invite hearers to follow Him (Joy p. 06).

And Jesus? He still mingles with sinners, appearing in dreams and inviting people to follow Him (Lincoln p. 30, Jonas p. 15). Yes, He’s alive!

Jesus planned the path before the fall and laid the first waymark in the Garden of Eden. Angels, patriarchs, prophets, kings, disciples and missionaries have further beaten the path. Today is no different . . . except the need is greater. The population is larger, and time is shorter.

Your life is a witness that God is alive . . . in you. Now, go. Testify.