Editorial: September 2023

Image for Editorial: September 2023

“Can you please help me? I don’t know what to do,” came the plea of the stranded motorist (Nassar p. 36).

“I don’t know what to do.” I have echoed those words countless times under myriad circumstances. Children, too, often readily admit this condition to parents or others they hope can help. Knowing our need, Jesus tells us to keep asking, seeking and knocking (Luke 11:5-13) until we receive an answer.

Humanity, pressed upon with the burden of living in a world immersed in sin—confused, self-absorbed, willful, carnal, and so blinded by darkness that it cannot see the Redeemer’s light—cries out, “I don’t know what to do.”

The answers they receive tend only to lead them further from the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6).

For this reason, Jesus commissioned His followers to: reach the unreached (Matthew 28:16-20), let the light of God in them shine before humankind (Matthew 5:16) and provide the Answer, Himself, the Balm of Gilead (Jeremiah 8, 46) to all.

Praise God that many unreached, previously ignorant of the Light, see the Light reflected from AFM missionaries and hear the voice of the Spirit calling out to them. They reply, “Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:9) and follow the missionaries to church (Castillo p. 19). They attend seminars and ask for Bible studies (Sliger p. 20), find the truth in Christ and leave previous beliefs behind (Lincoln p. 28), and are baptized (Cardona p. 38). Filled with a life-changing knowledge of God, they begin sharing with others the light they have received as the Spirit transforms them daily by His power (Ivisan p. 43).

The further you deepen your relationship with Christ, the greater you will know the Answer. Then when you hear, “I don’t know what to do,” you may reply, “But I know the One who does. May we pray together for the answer?”