Good, Better, Best

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Good, better, best,
Never let it rest,
‘Til your good is better,
And your better best!

There is good counsel in that brief poem. It applies to life, and it also applies to mission service. Consider:
Good: It would be good for you to go on a short-term mission trip and serve the needs of humanity for a couple of weeks. Build a church in an impoverished area. Help with a Vacation Bible School in an underserved region. Provide medical or dental assistance in places where healthcare is unavailable or inadequate. 

Better: What is even better than good? When you respond to the Holy Spirit’s calling and commit to a year of service among an unreached group of people as a student, short-term or platinum missionary. You teach the local children or children of career missionaries. You work at a clinic and treat tropical diseases and other illnesses. You use your talents in graphic art, videography or music. You make lasting friendships, and you share the good news of Jesus’ love.

Best: It’s better than good, and even better than better—it’s best! What does best look like in terms of mission service? You have seen God’s hand in your life leading you to consider the needs of those who have never had an opportunity to know Him. You may have served for a year (or perhaps not), but you sense God calling you to fully commit your life into His service for the unreached.

There are millions in this world who do not and cannot know the Savior unless someone crosses cultural barriers to share with them. Like Jesus, you sense the Holy Spirit calling you to tabernacle among these dear people—living, sweating, laughing, crying, praying, trusting and loving them into a saving relationship with the Savior. You go and learn their language, eat their food, unite with their lives and introduce them to Jesus. That is best.

If you have not yet experienced the good, please try to get involved in a short-term mission trip in the near future. Even better, contact us so we can help you serve among the unreached in the coming year. Then be listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit to invite you into the best and highest calling for your life—to make a long-term commitment to living the gospel among people who do not know their Savior.

Good, better, best;
Never let it rest.
When you allow the Lamb to lead you,
Then you are truly blest.