Nepal Earthquake Update

Image for Nepal Earthquake Update

The recent earthquakes in Nepal have left thousands dead and many more without the basic necessities of life like clean water, food and shelter.

We are thankful that God has protected AFM’s two missionary families stationed in Nepal—the Tserings and the Hookers—and has kept them and their children safe through this disaster. One family was participating in training in Thailand and the other family—who saw their house crumble around them—were evacuated a few days after the initial quake.

Both of these families will soon return to Nepal, and they will carry supplies with them to share with their neighbors in need such as blankets, tents, and other helpful items.

If you would like to assist with this special need, send your gifts to AFM and mark them “{Missionary Name}—Nepalese Assistance.”

You may give online at . Find your missionary on the list and click “Give” next to their names.