The world is sick with sin. Very sick. Dying. Yet the Lord, full of mercy, wants to heal the world, and he calls for workers to dispense His life-saving medicine of the gospel. In fact, this must be a united effort among all His remnant people to save the unreached.
In excerpts from her article “Even So, Send I You,” Review and Herald, June 25, 1895, Ellen White gives us vital counsel.
Outward, Not Inward
“The Lord’s vineyard is a more extensive one than the present working force is able properly to cultivate. Therefore it is necessary that every one should labor to the full extent of his ability.
“Time and energy and means are devoted to those who know the truth, instead of being used to enlighten the ignorant. Our churches are being tended as though they were sick lambs by those who should be seeking for the lost sheep.
“When the Lord sees that little real effort for the conversion of souls is put forth in regions beyond, when he sees that golden opportunities are lost, and that the spiritual physician is devoting his energy and skill to those who are whole, neglecting the maladies of those who are ready to die, he is not pleased. He cannot pronounce the ‘well done’ upon such work; for it is not hastening but hindering the progress of his cause, when rapid advancement is most necessary.
Double Blessing
“If our people would minister to other souls who need their help, they would themselves be ministered unto by the Chief Shepherd, and thousands would be rejoicing in the fold who are now wandering in the desert.
“The best medicine you can give the church is not preaching or sermonizing but planning work for them. If set to work, the despondent would soon forget their despondency, the weak would become strong, the ignorant intelligent, and all would be prepared to present the truth as it is in Jesus. They would find an unfailing helper in him who has promised to save all who come unto him.
“Instead of hovering over our people, let every soul go to work to seek and to save the lost. Let every soul labor, not in visiting among our churches, but in visiting the dark places of the earth where there are no churches.”
All Are Called
“Every agency is to be set in operation, not to work for the churches, but to work for those who are in the darkness of error.
“When souls are converted, set them to work at once. And as they labor according to their ability, they will grow stronger. It is by meeting opposing influences that we become confirmed in the faith. As the light shines into their hearts, let them diffuse its rays. Teach the newly converted that they are to enter
into fellowship with Christ, to be his witnesses, and to make him known unto the world.”
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