The Spiritual Battle: Take Heart!

Image for The Spiritual Battle: Take Heart!

“Who wants to sit next to the person who tested positive for COVID?” asked my friend after I shared that my husband and I had been released from quarantine after having COVID. It’s a very real question. I guess I will find out.

For 10 days, my husband fought fevers of over 102 degrees. While my case was much milder, COVID left me extremely tired. Fortunately, friends dropped off food and groceries so that I could focus on providing care for him. Texts came with words of encouragement. Pictures and facetime with family surrounded us with smiles. Finally, just today, we received word from the department of health that we were cleared to come out of quarantine. Good news!

This recent battle with COVID reinforced some spiritual-warfare lessons that I think would be good to review while our enemy is ramping up for his last stand.

First, remember you are never alone. “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deut. 31:8). When you feel like you are at the end of your rope, God is there using His power to sustain you and His people to minister to you. Allow Him to love you through His people. Admit your helplessness, and He will give you hope.

Our missionaries realize they cannot successfully create a Christ-centered culture and organize self-sustaining church-planting movements by themselves! The first step is to fully acknowledge they are utterly dependent upon God for every aspect of building relationships. The second step is to humble themselves and accept help from team members like you, whether gifts, prayers or encouragement. God created His Church to be fully dependent on Him and has endowed His people with interdependent gifts for the sole purpose of building His kingdom!

Another lesson learned is that Satan does not fight fair. He is a liar and practices lawlessness. Our awareness of his tactics can help minimize damage. The sooner we take refuge in Jesus, the sooner Jesus can fight for us. We must remember that we are in a war! The only harm Satan can work against us in this life is temporary. While the devil may win a battle by fighting dirty, Jesus has already gained the ultimate victory against evil. The outcome is certain! We do not need to be disheartened by what we see around us. Stand firm! Fill your mind with God’s Word. Picture the last chapters of the Great Controversy. Surround yourself with God’s good pleasure. Smile. You know how this will end.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).