We were both raised on mission stories, and as we entered our college years we felt God’s call to full-time mission service. We each spent time as student missionaries in PNG with AFM to confirm our call to lifelong mission service before starting life together as missionaries. Prior to joining AFM, we served as short-term missionaries in Zimbabwe, Nepal, Bangladesh and six years in India. We have been working among the Ama and May River peoples of PNG since October 2017.
Orion enjoys tinkering and fixing things, which comes in quite handy here in the bush. Keren has a love for all types of handicrafts. She is working on mastering the art of making bilums, the traditional string bag of PNG.
While many tribal groups live along the many rivers of the area, other smaller tribal groups live deeper into the jungle. Our dream is to see strong churches raised up throughout our region of PNG. In animistic cultures, it is often difficult for converts to fully separate themselves from the deep-seated customs of spirit manipulation and appeasement that filled their daily lives before they came to know Jesus as their Savior. Pray that we will hear and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we seek ways to disciple the Ama and May River peoples into new lives completely free from fear of the spirits.