Deon & Rene Theunissen

*Career missionaries since 2014, now serving the Pnong Project.

We are the Theunissens, born and bred in South African. We have three happy God-fearing children, all with their own careers who live in South Africa. We were both called to be medical missionaries at a camp meeting in South Africa in 2008. We decided to wait until our children finished high school when we applied to AFM.

Frontier Stories

Stuck in the Mud

We drove back, praising God for His goodness and contemplating how our lives are sometimes stuck in the mud without us realizing it, and we need others to help us out; or how others can be stuck in the mud, and God can use us to free them.

By: Rene Theunissen
October 01 2023, 3:03 pm | Comments 0

Striving for More

Even though the church was not actively ministering, Deon and I began praying in front of empty pots before feeding homeless people. God would miraculously provide everything we needed.

By: Rene Theunissen
August 01 2023, 3:30 pm | Comments 0

The Four-Day Miracle Garden

With a bit of planning and hard work using only shovels, the local Pnong farmers taught us that they could start a large garden on the school property so the entire community could enjoy the benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables and our school could save some money in its budget.

By: Rene Theunissen
June 01 2023, 7:47 pm | Comments 0

One Picture

God is in control of absolutely everything. I can only do my best and trust Him to do the rest.

By: Rene Theunissen
May 01 2023, 1:30 pm | Comments 0

Unlikely Lights

I am looking forward to our next prayer appointment. God is good all of the time, and He showed me that we should be an unlikely light every day.

By: Rene Theunissen
April 01 2023, 6:35 pm | Comments 0

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