A brand pluck out of the fire in the midst of a civil war God was preparing us for His mission.
George & Theresa Tooray
Career missionaries since 2016, serving the Malinke of Mali
Frontier Stories
Land Acquisition
Those whose houses where demolished were relocated, but they were not pleased to let go of their ancestral land.
George & Theresa Tooray
October 01 2020, 7:43 pm | Comments 0
Komba’s Struggle
One night, Komba went running out of his house screaming that people were after him and wanted to kill him.
George Tooray
July 01 2020, 9:01 pm | Comments 0
The Somono
We need to go to the unreached and throw out our nets so that we can make a big catch for the Lord.
George Tooray
June 01 2020, 12:25 pm | Comments 0
He felt destined to work for God but did not know what shape his work would take.
George Tooray
February 25 2020, 8:23 pm | Comments 0
A Malinke Funeral
Please pray for us as we bring the freeing gospel to the Malinke people. May they learn that good deeds will not save them, only belief in the Lord Jesus, the Savior of the world.
George Tooray
November 01 2019, 1:38 pm | Comments 0