John Holbrook

Career Missionary since 2011.

John and Rodelyn Holbrook grew up playing together in the mountains of the Philippines where John’s family served as AFM missionaries. Both John and Rodelyn heard God’s call to missions while still in elementary school, and both pursued educations to prepare them for this calling. After John’s graduation in the States, he returned to the Philippines to start a new AFM project among the Tawbuid. His friendship with Rodelyn was rekindled, and they eventually married.

John and Rodelyn, along with their daughter Ellen Joy, continue to plant churches among the Tawbuid on the Philippine island of Mindoro. God’s ministry through them and the native church leaders has grown to include four tribes and numerous churches. Currently, their primary focus is training and equipping native leaders and missionaries in church leadership, evangelism, healthcare, agriculture and earning a livelihood. They are also working to help native students receive higher education in order to return and help their tribes in development and evangelism.

Frontier Stories

Healing at Last

For six years, Robinson hobbled from shaman to shaman.

By: John Holbrook
November 01 2014, 2:44 pm | Comments 0

Comic Relief

It’s the little moments that put the spice in life and keep me smiling even when the going gets rough.

By: John Holbrook
August 01 2014, 7:22 pm | Comments 1


Grey dust billows down the vast riverbed as hordes of people gather in a tent pitched against one bank.

By: John Holbrook
June 01 2014, 3:31 pm | Comments 0

Carry On, Soldier

Niagara Falls seems to roar in my ears as I slowly try to stand up. Thousands of black spots crowd into my vision.

By: John Holbrook
May 01 2014, 6:59 pm | Comments 5


He was so tiny—a head full of jet-black hair still matted with blood from his delivery.

By: Lisa Jester
April 01 2014, 1:49 pm | Comments 1

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