A Healed Heart

Rom Lee’s eyes shone as he pulled up his shirt to reveal the long scar running down the middle of his chest. He looked different from the last time I had seen him. His lips were no longer blue when he smiled.

Fourteen-year-old Rom Lee had recently undergone open-heart surgery. His recovery was touch-and-go at first. He began to bleed internally and needed a blood transfusion. However, the doctors had not arranged to have blood available for him (we would call this malpractice!). They asked Philip to find someone to donate B+ blood (not a very common type). Philip phoned everyone he knew in the area, but no one had the right blood. Praying fervently, Philip continued his quest. He called his doctor friend who works at a Christian clinic for the poor. This doctor has many connections and began phoning his friends. Eventually he found two Korean friends of a friend who had the right blood type and were willing to help. After these two answers to prayer had donated blood, more than 50 calls came in to Philip’s doctor friend offering to give blood!

Thanks to all of you who made this surgery possible with your financial support.

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