All You Need

As Diane and I have traveled, we have discovered what seems to be the most important appliance by far in many countries. What people use for cooking primarily is a rice cooker. They are always available, somewhat inexpensive and you can use them for just about anything besides your laundry.

It has been fun to see what dishes others use them for, especially missionaries. Some of my favorites include pancakes, eggs, noodles, soups, applesauce and cakes (such as chocolate, carrot, cheesecake and carob). One missionary also used it for most meals that included sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and most vegetables. We have heard of others using them to make pies of all sorts, fruit crisps, cinnamon rolls and sticky buns. One of my favorite rice cooker dishes is pizza. Yes, pizza! Recently, I heard of people making yogurt, too. The list goes on and on.

If I were to be an appliance, I would want to be a rice cooker. They are so versatile, adaptable and capable of meeting the majority of one’s needs. Many times it was all Diane and I used to survive. What appliance would your life reflect?

Jesus made disciples but also helped people medically, healing wounds and sicknesses. He weeps with us and has compassion for us. He is there for us all. No matter what, nothing deters Him from being there through everything.

Because of your support for AFM, our missionaries are an extension of Christ to the villagers as they strive to do these things, too.

As situations arise in villages, AFM missionaries do not run away but instead run to meet the needs of the people. Like the rice cooker, a Christian takes on task after task, adapting to reach people with the good news of Jesus!

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