Be a Modern Mordechai

Queen Esther was clever and beautiful, and she also had a coach. In many respects, Queen Esther was very much like those who identify themselves as tentmakers. Their talents have secured jobs for them in places no salaried missionary could ever reach. Esther found herself in the palace of the king of the Persian Empire. Similarly, our tentmakers in the Middle East are invited into boardrooms and executive meetings where no other Spirit-filled individual has the right or invitation to go. Adventist professionals working in places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Oman have lunch appointments with leaders at levels no evangelist could even dream of contacting. Tentmakers slice through prejudice by bringing value to the marketplace. Their character and winning manner then bring value to relationships. As Esther won favor with the king, these Adventists are perfumed with the aroma of Christ, and they win favor that brings glory to God.

The book of Esther tells us clearly that Esther didn’t accomplish what she did on her own. She had a key advisor in Mordechai. GoTential’s mission is to be Mordechai to modern tentmakers.

Mordechai was Esther’s eyes and ears. He was keen to make plans that would be advantageous for the Persian king and for the Jewish community. GoTential coaches Adventist professionals in finding ways to make the most of the career circumstances in which they find themselves. This is my job—to help others leverage the spiritual opportunities around them.

Tentmakers are people with talent and ambition, but we all have blind spots. As a coach, I help tentmakers identify how they can turn everyday encounters into spiritual victories to gain people for God’s kingdom. Through Internet conference calls and inductive questioning, I help them determine a wise course of action.

Every week, I receive thanks from tentmakers for the unique role I play. For dozens of them around the globe, I am their lifeline—someone who values who they are and what they do; a chaplain and key advisor. GoTential’s ministry is unique in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. No one else does what we do.

King Artaxerxes found record of Mordechai’s service hidden in a scroll and heaped honor and wealth upon him. Maybe someday a Saudi prince will become a benefactor of GoTential. But until that unlikely day, I ask that you help keep GoTential operating by your monthly support. In doing so, you become a Mordechai, too. Perhaps, “For such a time as this,” God has given you means to change the world.

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