Becoming a Master Guide

“Pour l’amour de Jésus j’essayerai toujours de faire de mon mieux.” French for, “For the love of Jesus, I will always try and do my best”—the Adventurer Club pledge.

  I have never been a Master Guide, but I wanted to earn that distinction and needed to in order to become a director, teach other churches how to run an Adventurers program and help them start one. Most churches do not have a club. Our Adventurers Club decided to hold a Master Guide Investiture Sabbath this April, leaving me two and a half weeks to finish everything.

From the beginning, I ran into issues. My printer did not work, and I also needed to wait for toner to arrive from Dubai. I needed the printer to complete my honors and to create honors patches. In Benin, we have to print the honors patches onto fabric and then sew on the border. Once the toner arrived and the printer worked again, I continued printing and sewing patches until . . . SNAP! . . . a piece on my sewing machine broke.

I printed a page of the remaining honors onto paper and laminated them with packing tape, then spent Friday frantically hand-sewing all 100-something patches onto my band (sash) and shirt.

On Sabbath morning, I learned that I needed to do the Master Guide class. However, our club was allowed to have our investiture in the faith that I would complete the class afterward. Over the next two and a half weeks, I was laser-focused on finishing the honors. The Youth Department director for the Benin conference then came, reviewed my work, and certified my completion.

Whew! That was a lot of work. But most of it was pretty fun. I wish there had been time to dive deeper into the honors, but true to the pledge—I did my best.

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