Blessings like raindrops are falling

Prayer has been such a crucial element to moving the health ministry forward here in Khon Kaen, Thailand. I have sincerely appreciated the role that our career missionary, Kyle Tumberg, has had to play in emphasizing the importance of and need for prayer in advancing Christ’s work. We have been meeting weekly to pray and plan together and I keenly feel the presence of God surrounding us. Not only this, but we have begun to see answers to prayer already.

For example, I have been praying that God would send us the right person to do translating work as there are many health resources available in English but very few of which have been translated. I had been asking around for several weeks trying to get leads on people who could potentially translate, but with little success. Then my co-missionary here, Miriam, happened to mention that she has a Thai friend who lives in the U.S. who used to be a professor here in Thailand. When she messaged him to see if he would be interested in this type of work he readily agreed and is ready to start as soon as we have the materials for him. Praise God for His providing hand!

One more answered prayer that I must share came just in these last 3 days. Having the pastor of the church behind health ministry is so important to the effective sharing of the health message. The pastor of the Khon Kaen Church has recently returned from a 10-day wellness training that has really transformed his life. As a result, he invited as many members of the church as were interested to participate in a time of fasting, prayer, and spiritual renewal for 3 days. Eight of us participated and have enjoyed great health benefits and spiritual blessings. The pastor took leadership of this experience and shared his own testimony as well as many of the health concepts he had learned. I believe this really impacted the church members to see their pastor taking initiative in this area and has inspired them to take hold of the health message and apply it more seriously in their own lives. While we were praying that God would prepare the way for the health ministry to move forward, God was preparing our pastor!

These are just a few of the answered prayers…Stay tuned to hear how God continues to bless and guide!


Inspiring! Thanks for sharing, Karina

By Peggy on October 27 2017, 9:32 pm

I’ve been praying that God will inspire you with His best ideas for reaching Thai people through the health message.  And as a colleague in Bible work once prayed with me, “Father please inspire us with ideas, ideas that we have never even thought of before, ideas that will be effective, as Your ways are always so effective.”  So thankful to hear that you are praying too!

By Toni Marie on October 30 2017, 5:51 pm

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