
Why would someone blow himself up? One reason is that he wants to effect change in the world. This sad, degrading and evil methodology is hardly comprehensible to us. Bombs certainly influence people, but there is a better way: bulletin announcements!

Many Adventist Frontiers readers donate monthly because they hope in some way to effect change on the other side of the globe. And it works! Money flows, missionaries go, love is sown, truth is told, plans come to pass, souls are won, churches are planted, and the world is changed. Jesus ordained it to be so. As every river does what it can for the sea, so every believer does what he or she can for the kingdom.

Do you attend church? Does your church have a bulletin? Here is your chance to have an explosive impact on the other side of the globe. Whether you are a kid or a grandma, you can do this. Just call or send an email to your bulletin secretary and have this simple announcement placed in your bulletin at least three times this year:

“Wish you could change the world? Become a tentmaker missionary! Earn a good salary and begin a home fellowship in an unreached city where the Adventist church hasn’t yet been established. Join Adventist Frontier Missions’ global network of lay evangelist tentmakers. Earn a salary from your secular work while being trained online to begin a home fellowship group in an unreached area of the world. Watch the video at:”

By placing this bulletin announcement, you can ignite a wonderful series of events in someone’s life. Perhaps there is an engineer, a businessman, a teacher, or medical professional in your church who will read this and . . . BOOM! The Holy Spirit will set off a realization in their mind: “I can go!” Armed with their career skills and achievements and their highly flammable gospel joy, they will team up with GoTential and ignite a movement that will change the world.

If you are excited to accept this “bulletin bomb” assignment, I invite you to join our band of tentmaker mobilizers to help plant great-commission igniters here and there. (I promise, no one will get hurt.) I will send you a poster to hang in your church lobby. It’s simple: to get your poster and future assignments that will help the tentmaker movement, please fill out the short volunteer form at:


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