Cathedrals Without Walls

Could it be that the ideal location for ministry may not be on the inside of a church?

There are three places where a Gogodala man is in his element: 1) in his canoe; 2) in the bush; 3) under his stilted house. These are the places where he feels most comfortable.

What if we had a system in place that allowed the Gospel to spread like wildfire throughout the countryside? I envision the message being preached from village to village and learned by Gogodala people in the open air beneath their stilted houses—comfortable, neutral places natural for hearing the Gospel.

For the past three years, our Kewa congregation has been meeting for services under our house. How sweet to hear the lessons of God’s word while surrounded by nature in the breezy shade while looking out at the river. People crowd in to hear the messages. Better than stained-glass windows, the open sides provide views of living green and blue which move with the wind like an object lesson of the moving of the Holy Spirit. Jesus preached great lessons to crowds out on the hillsides. Maybe we should rethink our ideas of church architecture and make the setting more open and inviting.

Thank you for your prayers as we move forward with the next phase of evangelism.

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