Dear Lynette

Dear Lynette,

Little did we realize when we left the UK in July 2008 and headed to Michigan for training that just a few months later we would be putting you on another plane going to the other side of the world! It’s amazing to see how God has been leading in your life.

First, there was the opportunity for you to attend the ARISE Institute where you received some first-class Bible instruction and practical training in evangelism. Then, as you reflected on what you should do next, you received an invitation to consider becoming a Bible worker in the Michigan Conference.

As you were praying for guidance, AFM received an urgent request from the Tai-Kadai Project for another volunteer teacher. John Baxter felt impressed to ask you, and you immediately sensed that this was God’s will for you. Soon on your way to join the AFM team in Southeast Asia.

The 18 months you spent on the project were a real highlight in your life. Yes, there were challenges, but this time gave you the chance for personal and spiritual growth. Our quiet daughter blossomed!

We are immensely proud and pleased to see your commitment to Christ and your response to His leading. It is wonderful to know you are now encouraging others to taste and see that God is good through the student-missionary program.

May you continue to follow God’s plan for your life wherever it takes you! Love, Mum and Dad

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