Deliver Us From Frustration

Daily life in the mission field can be fascinating and fulfilling. However at times it can just be frustrating. I am happy to report that these annoying times have been few during our years here in Mali, but when they do happen, we struggle and pray for help to maintain a Christ-like attitude.

Recently Neil was tested during a routine trip to Bamako. In this capital city of around 4 million people, the city police maintain a visible presence, especially at the larger intersections. Often they are doing important work like directing traffic when stoplights aren’t working. But other times they’re on the prowl for chances to extort money from drivers.

On this trip, Neil and his friend were pulled over by a motorcycle policeman. The policeman asked to see the car registration and insurance papers, which were all in order, and then he added a bogus demand for a document he knew Neil would not be carrying. Since Neil didn’t have the document, the policeman told him he would have to pay him to get his car papers back right then, or he would have to wait until 4 p.m. to get them back. Neil tried to reason, but the policeman wasn’t in the mood to listen and finally walked away. Fuming, Neil called me to pray with him for a better attitude, wisdom and calmness. After we prayed together and hung up, I called the kids together, and we prayed again for Neil, and the policeman and the whole situation.

God works in amazing ways. Neil later told me that God gave him a plan, and within about 10 minutes the papers were in Neil’s possession once again, with no money paid.

Thank you so much for your prayers for our family and for the Malinke people we serve.

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