Discovery Place

“There is gold and abundance of costly stones, but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel” (Prov. 20:15).

Education is highly valued in Thai culture, and teachers are greatly respected in society. However, many of the children and families we work with in the village don’t have the same access to quality education and extracurricular activities as people in the city.

After working with children and families for more than a year in the village, we strongly believe that our creative learning center, Discovery Place, will help us meet a real need in the community. The parents and caregivers know how precious knowledge is, and they are excited that we have come to support them in educating their children.

Please prayerfully consider a contribution to help us reach our goal so that we can begin phase two of construction for Discovery Place. Also, please pray that the families we minister to will discover the One who wants to connect with them, the One who is more precious than silver or gold.

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