
It was 5 a.m., an hour and a half before sunrise, as I got out of bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. It was time to attend the women’s ministry meeting being held outside among the mosquitoes. This is something new for May River, led by a church member named Dorin.

Dorin married a May River man, but she came from a large city and is well educated. The Holy Spirit moved her to start a women’s prayer ministry. Early morning is the only time these hardworking women can take a little time for fellowship and prayer.

Walking by the light of my flashlight, I followed the sound of hymn singing and found a group of eight barefoot women sitting together in the dark. After the welcome, we shared a few praises, and then we knelt in the dirt and prayed together as the morning birds began to chirp. Many of the women prayed for their husbands and children. Afterwards Dorin read a few scripture passages by flashlight. Then, as the dawn began to break, the women hurried back to their homes feeling blessed and ready for another day.

Dorin also planned the first May River women’s ministry campout. Excitedly, the ladies made tents from sticks and tarps in the church yard for a weekend of camping together. They put on purple shirts and skirts and formed a choir for the occasion. Dorin led the singing and put together five presentations for the weekend, which she delivered with her five-year-old daughter at her side. Many women from the community came to see what was going on and attended the testimony service with our church ladies.

Please join your prayers with the prayers of these women for the conversion of their husbands, brothers and children.

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