
After studying the Bible with Dursiyun and watching her spiritual growth and conversion, I was extremely happy to witness her baptism in February 2005. I continued to encourage her when her faith lagged, comforting and counseling her through the stresses of a bad marriage and subsequent divorce. After the divorce, she became stronger and more committed. Then she married a lowland Palawano man. Contrary to mountain custom, they established their home in the lowlands. For a year and a half, I saw very little of Dursiyun. When I was in the lowlands I would stop by her house to talk with her and encourage her if I found her at home.

Recently, Dursiyun and her husband came back to the mountains and are establishing themselves here. Dursiyun wrote me a letter informing me she wanted to work at the clinic again. This was her way of telling me she wanted to talk. So I sought an opportunity to talk with her privately (very difficult to do here in the mountains). I was happy to see her in church one Sabbath. When I got home from visitations that evening, I learned that she had waited for me there, but I had missed her. The next morning, we finally had a chance to talk. I asked her about the condition of her faith. She admitted with tears that she was very weak. However, she told me that, on Sabbath, she had met with her husband and parents and told them what was on her heart—that she wanted to grow stronger in Christ, and she very much wanted them to join her. Her mother and her husband said they were interested and would try. Her father, on the other hand, said he would possibly think about it sometime in the future.

I was excited to hear that Dursiyun had taken the initiative to speak with her husband and parents about this. Most Sabbaths, I go down to their village to share Bible stories and life applications. They really seem to enjoy the stories and listen attentively. I pray the Bible truths will take root. I’m happy to know that some in that village are genuinely seeking.

Dursiyun told me she had been feeling very sad. She had been unable to eat properly and had little interest in work. I explained to her that her heart had not been right with God, so she was finding it difficult to think of anything else. I reminded her of God’s forgiveness when we confess and forsake our evil ways. We prayed together, and she confessed her sins and found freedom.

As God works in Dursiyun’s heart, I know He will restore to her the joy of her salvation and give her courage to continue working for the salvation of her family.

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