Editorial: December 2021

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The birth of Jesus and His glorious return herald two great advents that captivate the senses. In between, the great commission commands us to march forward. Soon this worldwide disciple-making, church-planting movement will also come to its culmination with the loud cry. Yet, to no Adventist Frontiers reader does this come as a surprise.

We see Christ appearing in dreams to Muslims around the world, telling them of the three angel’s messages and of a people who can answer their questions (Al-Masih, p.6) and lead them on the straight path.

We listen in awe about how God leads missionaries to pray with the unreached and help them understand His words (Ivisan, p. 46). We are thrilled as we learn about decisions made after decades of patient seed-sowing (p. 15).

We feel the hurt caused by family, friends and employers who harass and persecute new believers (Tirado, p. 8; Hicks, p. 37), even to the point of torture (Smith, p. 38).

Yet we can taste the goodness of God as our gifts enable these babes in Christ (Tumberg, p. 11) to grow in faith and resolve and a newfound joy in sharing their beliefs (Patel, p. 23). These previously unreached have a depth of love that compels them to great acts of generosity (Erickson, p. 13), sacrificial care for their neighbors (Mays, p. 44; Troy p. 40), and so much more — even to the extent of becoming the next generation of missionaries and pastors (George, p. 18 and Nassar, p. 42).

I invite you to join us in hastening the day of Christ’s return by praying fervently, joining AFM as a career missionary or supporting those who go. What better holiday gift can you give?

Can you smell the victory?  We are nearly home.

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